Solar energy — simplified.
No roof installation,
no upfront investments.
Just savings!

Estimate Your Savings

Annual Savings


100% Renewable

Support locally generated, clean energy, while helping reduce your community's carbon footprint.

No Panels Needed

Available to everyone - renters, homeowners, and businesses - without any upfront investments or panel installation.

Guaranteed Savings

Stay with your utility and reduce your energy bills. Guaranteed savings on all solar credits applied directly to your monthly utility bill!

Support Your Local Community

Going solar supports renewable energy in your community, helps with future solar farm development, & creates local energy jobs. Win-win.

How it works. (Yes, it's that simple.)


The sun emits 3.86 x 1026 watts of energy every second.

Solar Farm

The solar farm captures this energy and converts it into consumable electricity.

Electric Grid

This electricity is then delivered to your local power grid that powers your home.

Your Home

Your home receives energy from your utility as usual.

Electric Bill

The solar credits generated on your behalf appear directly on your electric bill.

Got questions?
Luckily, we’ve got answers.

Who is Solar Simplified? +

Solar Simplified is a platform that matches renters and homeowners who care about the environment and want to save money on the electricity bill with local solar farms. We take the hassle out of supporting renewable energy and make the sign-up process easy and transparent!

What is Community Solar? +

Community Solar allows homeowners, renters, and businesses to benefit from clean energy produced by local solar farms, while lowering their monthly utility bills. These are offsite solar farms, so there is no installation of panels on your property or roof. Electricity customers virtually subscribe to receive solar credits from a local solar farm located within their utility.

Community Solar exists in most states throughout the US in various forms. In the State of New York for example, Community Solar is regulated by the New York State Department of Public Service (DPS), while the New York State Energy Research & Development Authority (NYSERDA) offers incentive to develop community solar projects.

What are Solar Credits? +

Participation in Community Solar is a great way to save money and foster a sustainable future! Through your Community Solar subscription, you will receive solar credits on your monthly utility statement. The amount of credits you receive each month is based on two criteria: 1) your average annual electricity usage and 2) the amount of energy produced at your assigned solar farm, which is unique to the farm itself.

Upon enrollment, we will look up your annual electricity usage so we could allocate enough solar credits to your electricity statement each month. In most cases, these credits will offset the majority or entirety of your bill.

Does it cost anything to enroll? Are there any fees? +

There is no cost to enroll in Community Solar; you simply pay as you go for the credits you receive! If you are not satisfied with your Solar Simplified subscription, you may cancel at any time without penalty. It’s completely risk-free.

Do I have to own a home to qualify for Solar Simplified? +

No. Whether you own or rent, you are welcome to participate in Community Solar. Commercial properties and businesses are welcome to participate as well.

Have more questions about Solar Simplified?
Give us a call: (888) 420-9831

Our customers love solar.
And you will too.

Aside from being 100% clean, Solar Simplified has stellar customer service and great rates! They also provide useful tools to help keep customers’ usage efficient.

Adrienne B.
Ithaca, NY

Really love the whole Solar Simplified experience. Low price, great flexibility, fantastic customer service, and fantastic overall experience.

Brian M.
Binghamtom, NY

I'm so glad that I signed up. It makes me feel good that I can help a little bit by cleaning up our air. I hope more people take a stand for clean air now and for our future.

Patricia R.
East Aurora, NY

Ready to help the environment?

(And save up on your electric bills)